Monday, February 17, 2020

HR Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR Management - Assignment Example According to Wilcox and Lowry it is the reframing and repositioning of HRM practices as the businesses strategic partner that makes employees the important economic resources (2006, pp. 50-64). There are two major views and perspectives when it comes to Human Resource Management. These are the instrumental or hard practices and the humanistic or soft practices. Instrumental practices focus on the quantitative and strategic approaches towards people management. In this case, it mainly provides a highlight of the economic value of human resources. It focuses on how these resources are important in maximizing the performance of the organization (Lee-Ross & Pryce 2010, p. 66). As such, they can be used to provide a firm’s competitive advantage. It is these HRM practices that can be aligned with the other activities in the business and strategies of the organization to promote some of the other additional practices such as restructuring, outsourcing and downsizing, which are considered to be strategic actions. The instrumental or hard HRM practices include labor legislations. On the other hand, the humanistic or soft HRM practices are those that include functions of orga nizational development, management of conflicts, and education of human resource, organizational culture, leadership development and components that contribute in building of relationships. They are more employee-centered and put into account the humanness within employees as it considers them to be proactive contributors to the firm (Harris, Wijesinghe & McKenzie 2010, p. 129). It makes more emphasis on the need for commitment, job satisfaction, motivation, trust and knowledge. In this sense, it helps in the enhancement of the level of employee engagement, development, participation and autonomy in addition to the participation in decision making activities and collaboration. Between these two kinds of HRM practices it is the humanistic

Monday, February 3, 2020

Understanding The Business Environment Term Paper

Understanding The Business Environment - Term Paper Example The capital comes from the treasury or the local rates. The public limited aim at providing services to the nation, and in case of profit generation, it has handed hack to the government or the local authority. The government appoints a minister to take responsibility. The minister then appoints a chairperson and the board of directors who respond to daily activities in running the industry. The chairperson and board of directors then give an annual report to the minister who presents it to the parliament for public debate. The information then published for public. The private limited companies are businesses owned by private people. The owners do control and management. They are the directors and managers. The private people raise capital, and their aim is to generate profit. The profit or losses made equally distributed according to the number of shares one own in the company. The voluntary group is an organization consisting of people who offer unpaid services to the organization . Its resources (cash, labor and services) obtained through voluntary means. The co-operatives form when a group works together to accomplish a common need. They are significant status in the tax law in most countries. The co-operatives assist members with their primary business e.g. selling of milk or other farm products. Type of organization Examples- Name of organization and why it exist What sector does this organization operate within Public limited company CDC – A centre for Disease Control ministry of Public health Private limited company Fly Emirates Transport industry Voluntary DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS AUXILLARY- facilitate medical treatment of veterans Medical industry Co-operatives BONGARDS’ CREAMERIES CO-OPERATIVE Milk processing industry US CDC; CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL CDC is a division of the public health systems and workforce development based in Atlanta, Georgia USA. Its strategy is to work with partners with the aim of strengthening public health systems and the public health workforce. It applies public health sciences and practices to demonstrate health impact. Vision, mission and goals Its vision is to enable countries worldwide have efficient and equitable public health systems to protect communities. It also visualizes the enablement of persons to live productive and healthy lives. It has a mission of working with Ministries of Health (MOH), and various health partners to strengthen public health systems. They collaborate to develop the workforce using innovative programs and science. The aim at building sustainable capacity maintaining strong public health systems and responding to the changing and increasing health challenges. They have a mission of coming together with public health partners to diversify global health problems, practices experiences and resources. (Allison, M & Kaye J 2001) Their main goal is to use system development programs to help the Ministry Of Health worldwide build strong, effective and sust ainable programs. The system development programs include; FETP, Field Epidemiology Training Programs, Field Epidemiology, Laboratory and Training Programs (FELTP), Global Public Health information program (GPHIP),Sustainable Management Development Program (SMDP) and the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR). They thus help the MOH to improve public health systems locally, regionally and nationally. The internal and external stakeholders of the CDC Stakeholders include persons or organizations invested in a program. They are interest in the results and evaluation of the program where their interests and requirements considered and budgeted for in the planning process. These