Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bacterial Culture Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bacterial Culture Techniques - Essay Example Bacteria have been often termed as being the primitive beings and are said to help with the nitrogen cycle. In a wider view if looked at bacteria are all those unicellular organisms that belong to the category of Schizomycetes they may have a difference in their requirements for oxygen and nutrients and have difference in morphology as well as have varying motility and be free-living. Bacteria are also known as prokaryotes in general and these are known to be grouped together as they all do not have nuclear membranes. The growing of cells in a synthetic environment is known as cell culture. That could very well refer to either types of cells be those prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. Culture can also be called the in vitro growing of cells of either plants or animals in a nutrient artificial medium. In the process of cell culture the cells used are no longer in an organized tissue form rather they are separate and grown in a simulated environment. The materials that are necessary for culturing bacteria cells are (a) culture tubes that are made of glass and that have their own labels and metal covers. (b) Media room or customized growth medium for simulation. (c) Para Film is also needed and (d) Pipette tubes that are also made of glass. Other necessary equipment includes Bunsen burners, motorized pipettes and micropipettes along with sterile tips. The first step in culturing bacteria cells is to streak an Agar plate and then incubate that until there begins a growth in colonies. Some bacteria have a temperature sensitive mutation rate and there fore would require the incubators to be set at 30C however in the case of E.coli the desired temperature for incubation is 37C. In order to be certain that the beginning of this culture has been from a single population of cells streaking of the plate is necessary. It is not necessary that you use an Agar plate as they are only

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