Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I Believe In Wisdom Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I Believe In Wisdom - Personal Statement Example  Albeit the disarray of growing up, nothing intriguing coming my direction that never grabbed my eye. As a general rule, I continued gauging the advantages that each introduced in my life. At the point when it hit me that intelligence assumed an impressive job in my life, I stood firm. Encounters had their impact, essentially to impact this stand. This is the one accept that for quite a while now has stayed with me, stayed with me, and molds the individual I am. In getting ready for my future, insight remains the huge factor that I put into thought. Like an excursion, my solid confidence in astuteness took a fairly long course. At the point when it at long last came, I without a doubt knew where my convictions lay; in insight. At a young age, the capacity of the Biblical Solomon to explain the enormous instance of the two moms awed me more than it entertained me. The thinking behind his decision looking into the issue was past any critical decision I have ever known about. On a few events, I made examinations of the decision of my country’s decided with the Solomon occurrence. My yearnings were never on being a legitimate guidance, neither attorney. However, my thinking on the various manners by which I could effectively make my very own decision and decisions swarmed my head. The distinction from my perspective and that of legitimate reasoning was straightforward; mine was not vested in any voluminous works I had learnt, or the different cases that I had perused and the choices came to in graduate school. Any individual can commit an error, yet Solomon didn't. Individuals procure information, however intelligence creates. This advanced of speculation unique in relation to the legitimate way of thinking, picking cognizant thinking and thinking. I had a major hunger for calm choices. Second thoughts, I assume, come to pass for poor organizers. I would not like to get one. Each time I was confronted with a difficult issue, I looked at this circumstance, gauged the odds accessible and thought of their results. This, as I figured, would assist me with strolling through any trading off circumstance. At the point when one day my more youthful sibling began building up an entertaining character, I put into test my intelligence. His character took an extreme change, as his school grades took a crash. He dove from a top performing understudy to a low positioning understudy. This pulled in the consideration of his instructors, while my folks turned into a stressed parcel. Indeed, even with mentorship, observing and direction, he never appeared to change. Genuinely, he gave no indications of gloom or stress. He was as attractive as usual, and didn't give any indications of weight reduction. What confounded many is that while his character continued changing, his kinship never did; he kept indistinguishable companions from previously. Be that as it may, he ate lesser amount of food, dozed overabundance completely, talked less and quit playin g his preferred game, the PlayStation. Guides thought he was experiencing pressure related issues, while my folks held a somewhat unusual stand; he either was turning gay or was a medication fiend. Maybe his condition contrasted with both of these observations, even all. For me, this was a chance to test my intelligence. Knowledge doesn't depend on tried proof, yet on a very much contemplated decision.â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

fathers and sons :: essays research papers

Father and Son Be that as it may, I am prouder - unendingly prouder - to be a dad. An officer demolishes so as to construct; the dad just forms, never annihilates. The one has the probability of death; the different typifies creation and life. And keeping in mind that the swarms of death are relentless, the contingents of life are even mightier. It is my expectation that my child, when I am gone, will recall me not from the front line however in the home rehashing with him our basic day by day petition, 'Our Father who workmanship in Heaven.' (Douglas Macarthur) Despite the fact that the primary dad and child relationship in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons doesn't show the â€Å"perfect† relationship they despite everything hold regard and love for each other, they are each other’s security. In this play the creator shows a general public where the characters are narrow minded, and appear to think just about themselves and the things that may profit them. The men in this play experience incredible lengths to get all that they need, regardless of whether their activities may carry mischief to other people. Mr. Joe Keller is by all accounts an exemption in this play; He will experience a great deal of difficulty to profit others, particularly his family. Joe shows such a great amount of adoration for his family through his fondness for his child Chris. Chris and Joe have an astonishing bond that lies profound inside them. The regard and love they hold for each other is unparalleled by different characters, and appear to be dif ficult to partition. Despite the fact that Chris is Joes’ child, Joe likewise has numerous other â€Å"sons† the men that battled in the war, these too are his youngsters yet he misdirects them.      Joe Keller and his child Chris are the principle father and child relationship in this play; they are amazingly close and totally regard each other in any case, they have a lot to learn, for one has a mystery. Being a dad implies all the more then anything to Joe, it implies the exemplification of thoughtfulness and faultlessness. Each move Joe makes throughout his life is for Chris. His whole processing plant that he has developed from the beginning been for Chris; his arrangement was after he resigned that Chris would have complete power over the business. After Larry, Joe’s senior child dies Chris becomes everything to him. His adoration and want for Chris to be fruitful made Joe careless in regards to every one of that encompasses him. fathers and children :: articles investigate papers Father and Son Be that as it may, I am prouder - boundlessly prouder - to be a dad. A trooper crushes so as to manufacture; the dad just forms, never obliterates. The one has the probability of death; the different epitomizes creation and life. And keeping in mind that the swarms of death are relentless, the forces of life are even mightier. It is my expectation that my child, when I am gone, will recall me not from the front line yet in the home rehashing with him our basic day by day supplication, 'Our Father who workmanship in Heaven.' (Douglas Macarthur) Despite the fact that the principle father and child relationship in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons doesn't show the â€Å"perfect† relationship they despite everything hold regard and love for each other, they are each other’s security. In this play the creator shows a general public wherein the characters are childish, and appear to think just about themselves and the things that may profit them. The men in this play experience extraordinary lengths to get all that they need, regardless of whether their activities may carry damage to other people. Mr. Joe Keller is by all accounts a special case in this play; He will experience a great deal of difficulty to profit others, particularly his family. Joe shows such a great amount of adoration for his family through his warmth for his child Chris. Chris and Joe have a stunning bond that lies profound inside them. The regard and love they hold for each other is unrivaled by different characters, and appear to be difficu lt to partition. Despite the fact that Chris is Joes’ child, Joe likewise has numerous other â€Å"sons† the men that battled in the war, these too are his youngsters yet he misleads them.      Joe Keller and his child Chris are the primary dad and child relationship in this play; they are amazingly close and totally regard each other be that as it may, they have a lot to learn, for one has a mystery. Being a dad implies all the more then anything to Joe, it implies the exemplification of generosity and trustworthiness. Each move Joe makes throughout his life is for Chris. His whole industrial facility that he has developed from the beginning been for Chris; his arrangement was after he resigned that Chris would have absolute authority over the business. After Larry, Joe’s senior child dies Chris becomes everything to him. His affection and want for Chris to be effective made Joe negligent of every one of that encompasses him.

Boundaries should employers set for social media Essay

Limits should businesses set for online networking - Essay Example Representatives should restrain themselves with regards to the utilization of internet based life in the working environment on the grounds that in proceeding to entertain themselves, they will in all probability wind up spending the hour of their bosses, which may prompt negative outcomes in their yield. Along these lines, representatives need to restrain their time on interpersonal organizations and should just utilize them in circumstances where they have had the option to clear all the work on their table for the afternoon and they don't have anything else to do yet to kill time. As indicated by Young (2010), to utilize web based life whenever in the working environment would be negative to their work and would add up to their taking their employer’s time. The response to this inquiry to a great extent relies upon whether a representative has achieved the objectives that have been set for him in such a case that he has not, enjoying web-based social networking may be negative to his presentation. Moreover, it is fundamental for representatives to guarantee that the keep web based life use, which is basically part of their public activities, out of the work environment in light of the fact that to utilize it in such a situation is troublesome to their work. Accordingly, if a worker has not practiced his objectives, to utilize internet based life would be proportional to taking the hour of their bosses. While a worker may have worked for various hours, this doesn't imply that he needs to take as much time as necessary by utilizing online life. The quantity of hours that a worker has worked doesn't make a difference as long as he avoids online life and ensures that he conveys on his objectives. Hence, utilizing internet based life during work hours would be equivalent to time-squandering and must be decreased to a base or debilitated. 2. The defense utilized by substantial internet based life clients to utilizing organization programming and secret date in the work environment may be founded on their conclusion that it is a piece of their right. This is particularly the situation in a circumstance where they feel that their entitlement to collaborate with others and communicate in

Friday, August 21, 2020

Nitrogen Management :: Environment, Agriculture, Crop Production

Nitrogen the board is critical segment for reasonable harvest creation, it is attractive to adjust N flexibly with crop N use to augment productivity. In Egypt, because of serious development of high yielding harvest assortments, the supplements providing limit of soil is declining. Makers will in general apply protection utilization of N to cause them to feel increasingly sure about N adequacy. These practices may prompt over use of N compost and result in groundwater contamination by nitrate (NO3) because of the raised degrees of NO3 in the dirt profile (Asadi et al. 2002). In like manner, scanning for elective N sources and keeping up long haul soil ripeness and maintainability are a need for considering. Cultivar execution differs as identified with genotype Ãâ€"ecological associations (Eberhart and Hallauer 1967). All in all, corn half breeds are profoundly beneficial and react to N application, anyway their capacity to keep up yield submerged or N stress are extraordinary (O’Neill et al. 2004). Nitrogen accessibility speaks to a significant restricting corn grain yield under concentrated editing framework. The distinguishing proof of cross breeds reaction to various mix of N rates and bio-manures could lessen the measure of applied N and increment productivity. A few research in the writing record huge cultivar Ãâ€"N association contrasts in development, for example, LAI and plant weight and yield attributes (Ahmed 1990; Tollenaar and Wu 1999; and Hokmalipour 2010). Deciding explicit half breeds reaction to N sources of info would make an extraordinary commitment to plant rearing for practical horticulture (Presterl et al. 2002). Obviously momentum unsatisfactory treatment of N composts might be liable for NO3-N defilement of both surface water and soil water (Wang et al. 1996). Yield objective as N based proposal as a rule speak to huge geographic regions. As indicated by (MOA 2004) they give a N suggestion to corn that is a direct capacity of yield objective. In spite of the fact that these suggestions are commonly appropriate, they may prompt over utilization of N as half and halves and condition change. Corn grain yield has been essentially expanded by changing N rate from 190 to 380 kg N ha-1 (El-Hendawy et al. 2008). A positive reaction for grain yield has been accounted for by (Halverson and Reule 2006) up to 285 kg N ha-1 while augmented at 180 kg N ha-1 in another investigation (Lamm et al. 2001). Deciding N proposal could be additionally improved by considering field-explicit soil-crop-atmosphere conditions alongside various half breeds and Bio-manures impacts.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ode to a Package of Dial Soap

Ode to a Package of Dial Soap It was my freshman year, not long ago When I arrived at MIT, complete (it has been near three years, how fast time flows!) With happiness and excitement replete Looking back now, though it hasnt been long Its a marvel to see how much Ive grown In brainpower and stamina for sleepless nights Time kept a rhythm, while we scraped along Now we start to peer far, to time unknown To post-MIT start setting our sights I do digress, you must pardon me see I came here to talk not of life and dreams But of soap, and its importance to me Theres much more to soap than it really seems So theres a store called Target where they sell All kinds of things Scrabble, hula hoops, skirts, Brita water filters, Christmas bells Dial antibacterial soap, and shirts Like all froshies, I went dorm shopping there And when I was about to buy soap, I Reached for the three-bar package of Dial Gold My mother said, with the old Asian flair, Dont buy that one! There is no reason why. Here, take this, fourteen-bar pack of Dial Gold. So due to my mothers frugality, I bought a huge package of Dial Gold soap It fully upheld my vitality As I hiked up the Tutes dangerous slope Though psets, quizzes, exams, lab reports Sleepless nights, exhaustion-induced collapse Heartbreaks, triumph, giddiness and much more In all time here, Dial has not come up short Day by day bar by bar it slowly maps My journey here, and my stories galore And then Just yesterday, I opened the last bar The last bar The last bar of Dial Antibacterial Gold O! Faithful foamy friend, fallen art thou In all these frigid Bostonian nights Your familiar yellow visage, golden Keeps my balance yin and yang, tang and tao Driving me to higher heights, farther sights To bars of Dial Gold I am beholden Some say it is shocking, that fourteen-bars Of soap can last me for five semesters But I say, thats the magic of them bars Just $4.50 ninety cents per semester! So if I gave a farewell speech at grad I will thank my mom, for saving money Target, for stocking what your heart desires And, Dial Gold those bars that kept me so glad Which reminds me, to save more money Gotta get Dial Gold as my heart requires. After all, as any student should show Cleanliness is soap, soap cleanliness, that is all Ye know at college, and all ye need to know. * Pursuant to legal mumbo jumbo, I am not employed by Dial, in case you are curious ;) (as if they need advertisers for soap :P) Since this blog isnt going to be substantial, heres a really cool introduction to the city that I lived in for 15 years Kaohsiung, Taiwan before going to high school to a more northern part of the island. Should be something that will be quite interesting for most of you :D (and Ill be back home in 2 weeks! :D) Hopefully my life will be perfect, all because I came to Kaohsiung!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Queuing and Simulation - 1100 Words

Queuing and Simulation (Coursework Sample) Content: Queuing and Simulation Name Institution Queuing and Simulation Bristowe, the manager of Phoenix Boutique Hotel Group (PBHG), a boutique hotel intends to maintain the customer holding time for a phone reservation system to at most two minutes. Bristowe had implemented a toll free customer care reservation system which is used to find the best reservation match in all of the Groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s property. This analysis seeks to solve a queuing problem using the simulation approach. Given in the problem are the incoming call distribution along with their associated probabilities, and the Service Time probability distribution. The Monte Carlo simulation technique which employs the use of random numbers and multiples of trial runs has been used (Thomopoulos, 2012). PBHG has 3 agents for the 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. call shift. The cumulative service rates of the three agents are given below; Table 1: Service Time Distribution Time to Process Customer Inquiries (Minutes) Probability 1 0.19 2 0.17 3 0.16 4 0.15 5 0.11 6 0.08 7 0.03 The incoming call distribution is also given in the table below; Table 2: Incoming Call Distribution Time Between Calls (Minutes) Probability 1 0.13 2 0.23 3 0.27 4 0.19 5 0.15 6 0.09 The first table can be used to determine the service rate and the second table can be used to determine the arrival rate. In coming up with a simulation model to solve a queuing problem, it is necessary that the Arrival Time, Service Start Time and Service End Times be determined (Borshchev, 2013). The arrival time is the time a customer enters into the system. It is not necessarily true that all the customers will be served as soon as they enter into the system and therefore the service start times may indicate a slight delay (Thomopoulos, 2012). The service end times indicate the time a service is completed given the service rate. The first step in solving this problem is determining the random number distribution. To do this the probability distributions are summed up to form a total of 1. Then the random number bands are allocated according to their widths which represents their upper and lower ranges. Next random numbers for the number of trial runs are generated using the standard random number tables, computer software or a spreadsheet package. In solving this problem, a spreadsheet package was used. The random numbers were therefore generated corresponding to the arrival time distributions and the service rate distributions. These generated random numbers were then paired against their position in the random number distribution and consequently the required arrival time and service rates were deduced. The arrival times and service rates thereby defined were then used to calculate the time in the system, Time on hold, and the time the server is idle. The time spent in the system represents the time spent in the queue as well as the time spent being served. Bristoweà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s main aim was to ensure that the customers were not placed on hold for more than 2 minutes. From the attached spreadsheet document which detail the running of the described simulation trials for the first 15 customers in a day, the average Time a customer was on hold was 4.13 minutes. The average time the server is idle is about 0.87 minutes and this represents the time the customers are yet to arrive into the queue. By implication therefore, Bristowe needs to employ more people so as to bring down the average time a customer is on hold from 4.13 minutes to 2 minutes. In the second scenario it is mentioned that Bristowe and PBHG will be featured in a national travel magazine with wide coverage and this is bound to increase its reservation call system traffic to the following distribution; Table 3: Incoming Call Distribution Time Between Calls (Minutes) Probability 1 0.26 2 0.27 3 0.24 4 0.14 5 0.11 6 0.06 Assuming the current service rate and employing the same Monte Carlo simulation approach, the random number distributions were defined and a spreadsheet package was used to generate the random numbers. In the second scenario, the time on hold has increased to about 6.33 minutes. This therefore necessitates the increase in the number of call staff because the new time on hold is three times the desired length of holding time. Simulation analysis presents the following advantages; Simulation can be used to study behavior that is not mathematically possible to model. Secondly, the method does not necessarily have to follow any data distribution hence it can be employed in almost all scenarios, the simulation technique provides a very good training ground for future employees, and lastly the simulation technique maybe the only model available in the studying of particular problem...

Friday, May 22, 2020

Music Has Been Around Since The Creation Of Humans

Music has been around since the creation of humans. It is a sound that to us humans is appealing and it s something that we listen to when we are sad, happy, excited, mad, and etc. There are many types of music, but when i look at the type of music that represents reality the most it is hip hop and rap. Hip hop has been around since the 80s but it has become increasingly popular throughout all of our community. Rap artists started out rapping about where they were from and the life they lived, and eventually it turned into rappers speaking about women, their riches and other social things. Hip hop however for some artists it was a way to express themselves and show us what reality actually was for them. They spoke about things such as police brutality, black rights, natural catastrophes, and many other things that we weren t exposed to, or didn t know about. This is significant because music is heard by everyone, and if that person can make a song that sounds appealing to people, that person could send a message to other people about things happening far away from them. I imagine that rappers started talking about their struggles and it became something that millions of people heard. I imagine that rap started out as story telling and evolved to become music with people speaking about their feelings and much more. Music has become heavily commercialized, and not just hip hop but in other genres as well. People from all over the country are becoming rappers and notShow MoreRelatedMass Media And Its Effect On The Air Waves1546 Words   |  7 Pagesdistribution has been around since the invention of the printing press. (Gerbner, 1999) However, broadcast radio presented a higher level of distribution speed to this process and allowed for an extended reach to consumers. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bp Oil Spill - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1477 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Business Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? BP oil spill is ranked as the largest environmental disaster in the world history. As the oil from BP spill washes ashore, people on Gulf Coast are suffering huge damages they have never met before. The U. S. government estimates that up to 60,000 barrels of oil a day are spewing out from the damaged BP drilling rig to Gulf of Mexico. It has ruined the shoreline, killed animal and sea life, threaten the ecosystem and harmed the tourism and fishing in Louisiana. After the spilling happened, US government and BP has been struggling for plugging the hole deep under the water which is known as Top-kill, but failed. Right after the leak happened, the Obama administration has claimed that BP alone has to take the whole responsibility of the oil spill. However, as the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico continues to grow day by day, some people are starting to ask if President Obama will be blamed for the damage that will result on the shoreline of the Gulf coast? He failed to protec t US waters and people who depend on them. Also, his administration had failed to adequately reform the Minerals Management Service, the scandal-ridden federal agency that for years had essentially allowed the oil industry to do what it planed under self-regulation. There have been people who said that the Obama Administration did not react fast enough and slack in fixing the crisis. BP definitely bears the responsibility of the deep water disaster, but is it the only entity involved in the largest off shore oil spill in US history? In this paper, I shall argue that it is not just BP that bears responsibility for spill, Obama administration is responsible too. BP:   Surely they have to pay all of the damages suffered around Gulf Coast since they have violated the morality in many ways. Firstly, the deepwater disaster is partly due to the company’s own shortage in engineering testing. According to due care theory, manufactures’ responsibility would extend to thr ee areas including design, production and information. The key problem caused leaking is that BP has not exercised enough due care on production area. â€Å"The production manager should control the manufacturing processes so as to eliminate any defective items, identify any weakness that become apparent during production. †(Manuel 2006). BP failed to follow safety regulations as a matter of fact. Right after the spill happened, BP’s diplomat has claimed that there was no one to blame, even the people who worked in the pipe line, their jobs were normally done. If you look for mistakes, you will find some. It was just a freak accident that was not expected from the situation. However, as the investigation went further, more and more evidence has been shown that it was not an accident but negligence. They didn’t do proper testing, for example, BP halted tests on the well lining five days before the explosion and kept oilfield testing firm Schlumberger on standb y, according to NOLA. It had no plans to conduct a cement bond log test, which uses Sonics to identify weaknesses in the cement, known as a gold standard test. Also, Oil rig worker Mike Mason told Huffington Post he observed cheating on blowout preventer tests at least 100 times, including on wells owned by BP. In many cases, Mason says, BP employees were present while subcontractors faked the tests. Obviously, the systems failed and failed badly. BP violated the duty of exercising adequate quality controls over high-tech materials which caused the leaking happened. In addition, BP continually disregards safety and morality for profits. They are against Common sense morality by harming lives around Gulf Coast, for instance, shrimpers and small hotel owner loss their jobs for surviving; a large number of species’ live are threatened. According to Kant theory about â€Å"respect for person† , BP did morally wrong since they did not put human beings in the first , i nstead, what they are looking for is only the profits. BP has a duty to defend the environment they are working with. Referred to Kantian theory, humans have a correlative duty to respect and promote the development of another’s capacity to freely and rationally choose for him. For BP, when they tried to save the cost on drilling, it destroyed the development of others. What they have done is a violation of people’s negative right because people are forced to ruin their career and their normal life. Referred to The Social Cost View, Manufacturer should pay the costs of all injuries caused by defect in a product even if exercised due care. Thus, BP should pay for all of the damages suffered in Golf area. However, it is argued that offshore oil drilling is inherently dirty and dangerous, and the government must establish a permanent moratorium on it in order to protect the citizens living around. But government did not do their job enough. BP should pay for the bil l for its recklessness, while Obama government should take some responsibility at the same time. Obama Administration First, According to Bradford (2010), Obama’s original decision to pursue drilling made the drill more likely to happen. Back to 2008, Democrats had a serious oil problem, gas price were soaring toward $4 per gallon. Pressure had been put on President Obama to respond. In August, he announced he would support new offshore exploration as part of a broader mix of climate and cleaning energy policy. He nominated Ken Salazar to take in charge of this program. And in March of this year, the administration announced a plan to expand offshore oil production. It was intended to get away from the rising gas price this summer and avoid repeat insanity in 2008 summer. Soon after, BP oil spill exploded and millions of gallons of crude started spewing out of Gulf of Mexico. Secondly, Obama administration failed to crack down on the corruption of Bush years-and let the wo rld’s most dangerous oil company get away with murder. Referred to Bradford (2010), the scandal at Minerals Management Service (MMS) is lurid, for example, Employees in the Royalty-collecting wing has been taking thousands of dollars worth of gifts from the oil company they are supposed to oversee. As a result, company has been getting offshore –drilling permits with little scrutiny. For instance, in April of last year, less than a month after BP submitted its application, MMS gave the oil giant the drilling permitting in the Gulf without a comprehensive environmental review. The one-page approval put no restrictions on BP, issuing only a mild suggestion that would prove prescient: Exercise caution while drilling due to indications of shallow gas. Government should not get away from being negligence. Based on Kantian theory, human being should be treated as ends and never used merely as means. It means that each individual has a moral right to be treated as a fr ee person equal to any other person. MMS scandal violates this principle. BP, for example, they will more easily get drilling go-ahead than others due to being an oil giant or offering those managers with high value gift. If it spread, it will definitely slow down US economy. What we have seen so far is the huge disaster from oil spilling. What’s more, Dickson (2010) stated that the administration failed to ensure that BP was well prepared in case some unexpected accident happened. On the surface, a lack of ships and equipment has left more than 100 miles of the coast-including vast stretches of fragile marshlands — covered in crude. Obama has been putting so much trust on oil giants; he said â€Å"I was wrong in my belief that the oil companies had their act together when it came to worst-case scenarios. (Dickson 2010) Thus, his administration should bear the responsibility due to regulation failure. In addition, someone has argued that BP and other oil companies use tier wealth and power to influence government and their policies regarding alternate food, so the blame should be put on BP. I shall argue that the influence and misleading happened is because the government is lack of oil knowledge and experience. In conclusion, it is not fair to let BP alone take the responsibility. In the today’s world, government becomes stronger; they are involved in everything that crucial to the society. As the power gets bigger, their responsibility has expanded at the same time. Also, it is not the first time US has experienced the energy crisis, but there is nothing the administration is doing to end the nation’s thirst for foreign oil. Thus, the responsibility has to be broken down for both Oil Company and government. Bibliography Bradford, Plumer. â€Å"Morning-After Drill† The New Republic 241 Jul. 2010: 8-10 Dickson, Kim. â€Å"The Spill, the Scandal and the President Rolling Stone 1107 Jun 2010:54-63 Manuel G. Velasquez. B usiness Ethics. Toronto : Pearson, 2006 BP oil spill Student number: 3929403 Student name: Jian Yan Seminar: Fri. 3-4 Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bp Oil Spill" essay for you Create order

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Battle Of War And War - 1321 Words

There are many different components to war, far beyond the soldiers and battlefields. Soldiers at war may make the ultimate sacrifice in the sequence of battle, but societies at war deal with the compromise. War requires more non-renewable resources than any other industry in the world, the most abundant of those resources being humans. Since July 4, 1776 the US has been in some sort of conflict for 222 of the 239 years since that day. Humans require more basic necessities than any other living organism on the planet. The resources necessary to support a war are endless and can have massive affects on industry, geopolitical structure, populations, educational institutions, and much, much more. With The US having actively participated in war almost the entirety of its existence, war has been impacting everyone and everything in existence be it living or not. Humans alone, without the resources necessary to participate in war, require at least sustenance and shelter just to sustain lif e. Beyond that there are human needs such as clothing and skills to sustain life within a society. For each of these individuals it is mandatory to obtain one outfit of clothing, one meal a day that is sufficient enough to avoid poor nutrition, one place to sleep. For the women and women of our armed forces these needs are met and merely more. At three meals a day, a place to sleep usually four or more to one room, and three daily outfits including footwear, we can see the military is ratherShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The War1439 Words   |  6 PagesWorld War One was the cause of over eleven million military personnel deaths. Six million of those came from the side of the Triple Entente, or Allies. New fighting strategies that emphasized throwing more and more men into the fight only exacerbated the problem. Military leaders on the side of the Allies failed to adapt and sacrificed the lives of many that could have been avoided. Based on concrete evidence that was collected, this was a major factor in high casualty numbers during the war becauseRead MoreThe Battle Of The War Essay1510 Words   |  7 PagesBetween the four years of 1861 and 1865 the United States was engaged in a Civil War. This involved a division between the free North and the slave holding South, where eleven southern states split from the Union, altogether refusing the idea of a single American nation. Abraham Lincoln, who was the president at the time, disapproved of this revolt and had â€Å"500,000 soldiers to crush what threatened to be an aggressive rebellion.† In April 1861, the first shots were fired, and what followed becameRead MoreThe Battle Of The War1146 Words   |  5 PagesUnion mobilized for war, and America starts growing fearsome to what the future would look like. This was the day WWII started, which claimed millions of lives on both sides. Everybody is interested in the action and battles, but what about the production of the war? Without the production of th e arms and food, these battles would not even have happened. The following is what each country in the Allied powers contributed during WWII. Hoping they would not be dragged into the war, American hopes wereRead MoreThe Battle Of The War942 Words   |  4 PagesIn the 1899 Conference at The Hague, 59 sovereign states declared that they will abstain from the use of all kinds of diffusing, asphyxiating, or deleterious projectiles in case of an imminent war. But on the 22nd of April 1915, the agreement was disregarded. Germany was engaged in a series of battles against the strongest force of the French. The situation of the battlefield, because of the static trench warfare was alarming for the German commanders. The Oberste Heeresleitung identified that theRead MoreThe Battle Of The War1041 Words   |  5 PagesAs the battle began, most of the Samian fleet deserted. Herodotus isn’t sure about which triremes fled and which didn’t, as the reports he received were confused. The Samians were first in line in battle and once they had set sail for home, the Lesbians who were second in line did the same. The Chians were the most heroic people during this fight. They had contributed one hundred ships to the combined fleet, each containing forty men. This speaks very highly of the Chians. Even though most othersRead MoreThe Battle Of The War Essay1076 Words   |  5 Pagesall those who had something riding on the outcome of the war. Though they were subjected to different sides of the war, George Washington, King George III of England and William Howe all experienced the hardships and trying times of the year 1776. General George Washington knew that he lacked experience with almost all aspects of the war. He had retired from military life fifteen years before the revolution, and had never led an army in battle, commanded anything more than a regiment or directed aRead MoreThe Battle Of The War918 Words   |  4 PagesIndians come from, Custer was as surprised as McCoy. McCoy’s unit was surrounded by NVA regulars before they knew it, and they where pissed. Nowhere to run or hide they prepared for battle, perhaps their last battle, but you could say that about every battle. They are outnumbered 20 to 1. In the heat of battle one cannot swear who shot or killed whom, it was just constant motion, first very fast, then very slowly. McCoy s arms had become numb from swinging the ax handle he held. Smashing in headsRead MoreThe Battle Of The War1499 Words   |  6 Pagesprepared to take charge towards their enemies (from google images) During this difficult time at war, soldiers have had to spend the last four years of their lives in between narrow walls called trenches. Not only do these soldiers face the extremities of battles, but they also have to survive in these narrow spaces. For these courageous men, living in these trenches meant living in fear. As the war has been mentioned that it is coming to an end, soldiers still have to keep up with their daily routinesRead MoreThe Battle Of The War1498 Words   |  6 PagesConfederates enter the war with a belief that would also sustain them during war years and ultimately shape the south after the war, a durable belief in their invincibility. Even after major turning points of the war, diehard Rebels continued to express a resilient belief in their invincibility. They were unconquerable and they truly stuck it about because they expected to win. Their ethos; beliefs of being highly favored children of God, attitudes of invincibility (homegrown and those spread Read MoreThe Battle Of The War981 Words   |  4 Pages262 jets. In the opening phases of the battle, they would be facing only some 80,000 men, less than 250 pieces of armor and about 400 artillery guns. Many of the American troops were inexperienced; the German force included battle-hardened veterans of the tough fighting on the Eastern Front, but they, too, had green units filled with boys and with men who normally would have been considered too old for military service. During the course of the month-long battle, some 500,000 German, 600,000 American

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

`` Hunger Of Memory `` By Taghreed Alhaddab Essay

The question of whether education and social mobility have a connection has been around for many years, with people having different views and perspectives on this topic. Some may say the two has no relation at all, while some, like Richard Rodriguez in his autobiography, Hunger of Memory, may presents his argument that education plays a role in social mobility but because of other factors such as affirmative action, obtaining a higher education, after all, does not necessarily mean upward mobility. The purpose of affirmative action, as found in The Consequences of Eliminating Affirmative Action Admission Policies in Minorities’ College Access, written by Taghreed Alhaddab, is to make a substantial progress towards academic justice by providing equality of opportunity for historically undeserved groups (2). To put it simply, affirmative action aims to improve the education of disadvantaged students, the minorities. However, Rodriguez argues affirmative action is not necessary and helpful because instead of truly helping the targeted groups, it actually has led to negative outcomes, changing the definition of education. Because of affirmative action, Rodriguez believes higher education may not always lead one a step closer to upward mobility. In according to his argument that affirmative action is not necessary, Rodriguez argues that affirmative action is becoming more of a racial solution than an academic solution like how it supposed to be (155). Instead of really helping

A Big Change Free Essays

A big change Looking back on a childhood when I was a child, every sound, every move, every event, the first day of happiness, the first date, the first hurt. Everything together made who I am. I was thinking about the memories that was the most Important for me. We will write a custom essay sample on A Big Change or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is it the day when I met a new friend? Is it the day when I was crushed by someone? Or it is the day when I knew how to say â€Å"Mommy† for â€Å"Money†. It took a lot of time to think about my childhood memories. Every moments were Important for me no matter it good or bad, sad or happy. Suddenly, I asked myself why I changed my mind to like English even if I have never liked it because it was a second language and I thought it was hard and not necessary for me. It was a summer when I played Final Fantasy game for the first time. My older brother recommended me this game. So, I decided to play it. After the game started, I was shocked by the English language In the game and It made me felt like an Dildo. Then, I ran to my bedroom to find a dictionary to translated it. I wanted to know what hey said, thought, and what they want me to do. I had done this every time, every day, every moment playing this game until I found something strange. It wondered me a big surprised this game made my English skill better and I fell in love with learning English. Although, the game was over but I still learning English by playing another game and read many books. This was changed my attitude from Ignorance in English to love it when I realized that I am happy to learn English and I want to say thankful to this game for giving me a good change. How to cite A Big Change, Papers

Securities and Investments Commission Versus Healey

Question: Discuss about the Securities and Investments Commission Versus Healey. Answer: Introduction In business, it is well-recognized that directors should take part actively in the affairs of the corporation, rather than merely grace board meetings. Aside from that, they should demonstrate utmost skills, care and diligence in their functions and power since they are the companies representatives. In the case of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) versus Healey, the judgment of the Federal Court of Australia powerfully reminds directors that they should get actively involved in their firms financial management. Due to this, they may impact the future duty of trustees to practice cognitive skills and care in approving their companys financial reports (Gamertsfelder, 2013, p.519). This report provides the background of ASIC versus Healey case, outlines the duties and responsibilities that directors breach with the reasons for it, and finally discusses and analyzes the courts decision for the case and why they made that choice. Background of ASIC v. Healey Case The matter of ASIC v. Healey [2011] FCA 717 was a trial of the Centro group directors in the Australian Court before Judge Middleton. The issue was a primary concern of the duties of directors of companies to exercise reasonable care and skills following the financial reports of their firms. In October 2009, the proceedings against the Centro directors commenced. Among these directors were two executives former CFO Romano Nenna and former managing director and CEO of the company Andrew Scott, and six non-executive directors Brian Healey, Paul Cooper, Peter Wilkinson, Sam Kavourakis, Peter Goldie and Jim Hall (Centro Case Summary, 2011). On Wednesday 31 August 2011, Judge Middleton handed its penalty decision against the former CFO of the Centro Properties Group (CNP) and Centro Retail Group (CER) and the seven directors (Jacobson, 2011). ASIC on 27 June 2011, declared that each of the defendant directors had violated the statutory duty of care and diligence by signing off the financ ial reports that did not have any significant matters (Asic.gov.au., 2011). At the beginning of the hearing, Romano Nenna confessed that he had breached the Corporations Act as purported by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The annual reports of CNP and CER in 2007 did not unveil significant matters (Jacobson, 2011). In the case of the Centro Properties Group, the report did not have short-term liabilities amounting to 1.5 billion dollars; instead, they got involved under the non-current liabilities. Besides that, the report did not unveil sureties of short-term liabilities of a concomitant business of approximately 1.75 billion US dollars that got given afterwards. On the other hand, the 2007 annual reports of CER failed to show some amount of short-term liabilities of 500 million dollars categorized as non-current liabilities. According to the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Non-profit Studies (2011, p.1), the reports gave a false view of the organizations short-term burden of debt. Due to this, the value of the Centro entities and securities extensively reduced. Additionally, Judge Middletons view was that the seven defendant directors did not take the analytical procedures to comply with sect ion 259A of the Corporations Act (Jacobson, 2011). Breached Duties/Responsibilities In the Australian case ASIC v. Healey, the primary concern before the Federal Court was whether the defendants of the Centro Group should use their minds and perform a vigilant review of the recommended financial records of the company and the proposed directors' report (Sharp, 2012, p.335). It is a question to find out whether the information that the reports contain lias with the awareness of the directors of the companys affairs. Besides that, the issue is to determine whether the reports do not leave out the factual problems known to them or those that they should know. With regards to these issues, the Court finds out that the entire board of directors of the Centro Group was found to have failed in its responsibilities by not realizing the exclusion of the billions of dollars of the short-term debts in the financial reports as mentioned in the background of the case (Giordano, 2011, p.393). Middleton finds out that the directors failed to implement their obligations according t o the duty of care and diligence as required under sections 180 (1), 344(1) and 601FD(3) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Walmsley Puri, 2011; Lowry, 2012, p.251). 344(1): ASIC purported that the directors breached this section of the Corporations Act by failing to take the required sensible procedures to comply with the specific financial reporting duties contained in ss.295A, 296, 297 and 298. Ss.295A states that the declaration of directors according to the financial statements under s.295 must make inquiries after the CEO, or the CFO have declared the directors in the form specified in the Act (Centro Case Summary, 2011, p.1). S.296 requires that financial reports must act in agreement with the accounting standards. S.297, on the other hand, requires that the financial data should provide an accurate and fair view of the financial performance, as well as the financial position of the company. S.298 calls for inclusion of some specific data in the annual report of directors. 180(1): ASIC also said that the defendants had violated section 180(1) of the Corporations Act. It calls for company directors to practice their authorities and liberate their responsibilities with an amount of care and diligence that any sensible individual would do if they were an officer in the circumstances of a firm (Lowry, 2012, p.253; Healey, 2012). 601FD(3): Replying to the same conduct as that of s.344(1), ASIC also purported that the defendant directors also breached Section 601FD(1)(b). This part has the same duties for the officers of the accountability unit of a registered scheme (Centro Case Summary, 2011, p.2). Reasons for their Breach The violation of responsibilities was a failure to make sure that the data in the financial reports were in line with the accounting standards. However, it gets expected that the directors, especially the non-executive directors may have a small degree of professional financial and accounting acquaintance (Walmsley Puri, 2011). Nonetheless, the Court still finds out that the omitted liabilities were well-known to the directors, or if not well-known to them, were matters that should have been well-known to them (Walmsley Puri, 2011, par.11). According to the Court, if the defendants carefully deliberated the financial statements in their knowledge of the affairs of the entity with its financial position, each of the defendant directors would have realized the missing significant amount of short-term liabilities and question the error. Since the duty of care is to be demonstrably well thought-out, the Federal Court deliberated that the duty of competence calls for directors to read a nd comprehend the financial statements, together with what the concepts of the current and non-current liabilities imply (Walmley Puri, 2011, par.12). Given that, according to Walmsley Puri (2011), the directors subjectively believed and knew that the duty of competence required of them was irrelevant. Consequently, they argue that their reason for the breach of the Corporations Act was that it was abnormal for the NEDs to personally question the financial records prepared by knowledgeable accounting members and acclaimed by skilled auditors who are masterminded by the experienced audit committee. Judge Middleton, on 27 June 2011, handed down his verdict that each of the defendant directors knew about the current interest bearing liabilities and guarantees. Besides that, they knew, or say; they should have been conscious of the relevant accounting principles which would have forewarned them of the ostensible error in the proposed financial statements. Due to this, the judge decided that the defendants: Did not take all the required sensible procedures to concentrate and ponder the contents of the financial records by themselves, predominantly as to short-term liabilities, as well as whether the guarantees should have been made open. Did not make inquiries of the other directors, the board audit committee, or the management as to the proposed data in the Groups financial records concerning the short-term liabilities and guarantees. In addition to that, they failed to correct the apparent errors. Lastly, they did not appeal that the directors be given affirmations according to s.295A of the Corporations Act. From these findings, Judge Middleton decided that each of the defendants did not abide by the duty of care and diligence meant for the company. As a corollary, they breached ss.180(1) and 601FD(3), and at the same time they did not follow the required steps to make them comply with the financial recording duties in the Act contravening s.344. Aside from that, the judge also held that ss.180(1) and 601FD(3) duties of the Act also got violated by the former CFO. Thus, the Court fined the former CEO, Mr. Andrew Scott $30,000, disqualified the former CFO, Mr.Nenna from working with companies for two years, rejected the applications of directors to be exonerated from their contraventions and the defendant directors got ordered to pay costs of action for ASIC. Middleton sums up that when any director gets faced with a financial statement, he or she has a responsibility to take a keen and intelligent interest in the available information, understand it and put on an inquisitive mind to the obligations to be found upon him or her (Downie, 2011). Such a duty comes when the director proceeds to adopt and approve the financial statements. As a result of the reports nature and relevance, the directors get obliged to comprehend and focus on the reports' contents and if necessary, further enquire if the problems revealed in the records need such inquiries. Following the directors' reason for breach and Middletons decision, the court agreed that the NEDs had followed the habitual doings to approve their financial reports. In practice, it is not common for a NED or an audit committee to do something wrong for it to adhere to the accounting standards (Dunn, 2011, p.482). However, the Court decided that the role of the audit committee of monitoring the financial reporting does not exclude the role of directors from taking action to the financial statements. In this regard, the Court did not assert that the directors had to know all the accounting standards, but it was reasonable that they should be sufficiently aware and knowledgeable about what should be adopted or approved (Bonner, Hunt Watson-Dunne, 2014, p.557). It was "not about a mere technical oversight" to accept the financial reports in question (Centro Case Summary, 2011, p.2; ASIC v. Healey, 2011, p.1). The omissions in the reports have an important impact on the shareholders and the share market. It would also be difficult to assess the risks without the omitted data. For that reason, according to Walmsley Puri (2011), the directors should not have argued blindly relying on the declaration from the external auditors that the financial records were pertinent. Moreover, a reasonable director would have confirmed the exactitude of each data in the reports (Walmsley Puri, 2011, par. 17). They would also go through the statements correctly together with the available information, which would have shown them the momentous misclassification of the short-term liability of the entity (Venus, 2016, p.28; Smith, 2016, p.541). Reason for the Decision in view of the Corporations Act Judge Middleton states that his reason for his decision was a consideration of the issue of general deterrence (asic.gov.au, 2011). The Court has tried to identify the seriousness of the contraventions and consider the circumstances in which they took place, the general behavior of the directors, and the influence of the drawbacks executed on the defendants. The judge made the decision to provide a significant direction and trend of the corporate accountability of directors and the companys management. Besides, it wanted to have a significant effect on the liability judgment. Conclusion Therefore, to conclude with, ASIC v. Healey case validates that most courts take directors of public entities as the shareholders representatives of their companies. Accordingly, they should apply their skills and experience to evaluate, oversee, and may be, a challenge to ensure the management fulfills their duty of care in an efficient manner. Therefore, directors should read, understand and analyze the companys financial records by applying the knowledge they have in their positions as leaders. Ultimately, irrespective of jurisdiction, all leaders should take this case as an aide memoire to them that their role is a receptive one and not passive. Reference List Asic.gov.au. (2011). 11-188MR Centro civil penalty proceedings | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. [online] Available at: https://asic.gov.au/about-asic/media-centre/find-a-media-release/2011-releases/11-188mr-centro-civil-penalty-proceedings/ [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey and Others [2011] FCA 717. (2011). The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, pp.1-2. Bonner, G, Hunt, S, Watson-Dunne, N 2014, 'Interim Report into the Financial System -- Implications for boards', Governance Directions, 66, 9, pp. 555-558. Centro Case Summary ASIC v Healey Ors [2011] FCA 717. (2011). 1st ed. [ebook] Australian Institute of Company Directors, pp.1-4. Available at: https://www.thewaltongroup.com.au/wp-content/pushups/2011/09/ASIC_v_Healey_Centro_Directors_Federal_Court_Judgment__27_June_20111.pdf#page=1zoom=auto,-107,848 [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Downie, A. (2011). The Centro matter: ASIC v Healey [2011] FCA 717 and breach of director's duties.. [online] The-civil-lawyer.net. Available at: https://www.the-civil-lawyer.net/2011/06/centro-matter-asic-v-healey-2011-fca.html [Accessed 4 Jan. 2017]. Dunn, K 2011, 'Directors cannot rely on others to discharge their duties', Keeping Good Companies (14447614), 63, 8, pp. 480-483. Gamertsfelder, L 2013, 'Corporate information and the law', Keeping Good Companies (14447614), 65, 9, pp. 516-520. Giordano, F 2011, 'Financial reporting duties of directors -- ten corporate governance lessons from Centro for non-executive directors of listed public companies', Keeping Good Companies (14447614), 63, 7, pp. 390-396. Healey, J 2012, International Aid, Thirroul, NSW, Australia: Spinney Press, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Hill, JG 2012, 'Centro And The Monitoring Board - Legal Duties Versus Aspirational Ideals In Corporate Governance', University Of New South Wales Law Journal, 35, 1, pp. 341-359. Jacobson, D. (2011). Centro (ASIC v Healey) case note: directors' duties for financial statements - Bright Law. [online] Bright Law. Available at: https://www.brightlaw.com.au/centro-asic-v-healey-case-note-directors-duties-for-financial-statements/ [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Lowry, J 2012, 'The Irreducible Core of the Duty of Care, Skill, and Diligence of Company Directors: Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey,' Modern Law Review, 75, 2, pp. 249-260. Sharp, CA 2012, 'Centro -- revisiting old warnings for NFPs', Keeping Good Companies (14447614), 64, 6, pp. 334-337. Smith, C 2016, 'Company directors who cannot read or understand English warned by Australian court', Governance Directions, 68, 9, pp. 540-543. Venus, P 2016, 'How to avoid disqualification as a director by ASIC', Governance Directions, 68, 1, pp. 28-31. Walmsley, S., and Puri, R. (2011). The Centro decision - ASIC v Healey Ors [2011] FCA 717. [online] Jws.com.au. Available at: https://www.jws.com.au/en/legal-updates-archive/item/198-the-centro-decision-asic-v-healey-ors-2011-fca-717 [Accessed 4 Jan. 2017].

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Effects Of Music On Advertising And Choice Befhavior Essays

The Effects Of Music On Advertising And Choice Befhavior Jose Gonzalez Mktg. section 8 April 2000 THE EFFECTS OF MUSIC IN ADVERTISING ON CHOICE BEHAVIOR: Introduction Commercials typically contain both product spedific information and background features such as pleasant music, attractive colors, and humor. Of the two experiments that Gerald J. Gorn conducted we will analyze the one experiment, which determined whether background features of a commercial, in this specific case music, affected product preferences in consumers. It is said that the impact of product information in a commercial on beliefs and attitudes would typically be interpreted within an information-processing framework. It is suggested according to Gorn that a classical conditioning framework could account for the potential impact of background features on product attitudes. This approach believes that the subject must be consciously aware of the presence of the unconditioned stimulus when the conditioned stimulus is present in order for the conditioning to take place. One difficulty with the classical Conditioning approach is the lack of awareness. According to Gorn, the consumermay not always be aware that the unconditioned stimuli in a commercial may affect his/her product attitudes, moe general, the consumer may not be aware of the real forces impacting on both attitudes in this case the impact of music. In a typical communication situation, people may not realize or accept the impact of unconditioned stimulus on their responses to the ad. So, possible classical conditioning effects might therefore, be underestimated and underrreported in self-reports. Cognitive bias can result from an atempt to think well of oneself, states Gorn. So it means that a rational analysis in communication behavior might be bias in favor of information. For classical conditioning, product information in the commercial must be kept minimal, otherwiese the unconditioned stimulus in the commercial might vaguely be arousing interest in product information.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Using Praxis Writing Essay Samples and Tutors For Your Assignments

Using Praxis Writing Essay Samples and Tutors For Your AssignmentsIf you are one of the millions of students in the world, you may have encountered Praxis writing sample essays and thought to yourself 'this sounds great' or perhaps 'I want to try it myself'. The great thing about Praxis is that the writing samples can be downloaded for you to use at your leisure. If you ever decide to teach a class or take a test, you will not be lacking in subjects for your students to read and work on!There are other ways to acquire them though, which you may want to consider as you work on writing a better paper. There are online tutors that offer you complete workbooks that they will help you with. Their vast experience allows them to get your writing essays up to the same standards as those that are offered in traditional classes, and that is something you should never take for granted.One of the biggest problems that students face when learning how to write is having to work so hard just to fin d several websites, as well as numerous sources of information. A lot of information will come across your way and it can become quite overwhelming. Online tutors can provide you with all the info that you need, and as well as providing you with a myriad of writing essay samples to choose from.This is where the internet comes in handy, as you can access the information in a number of different ways: you can do it all online, or you can visit a few websites to obtain some of the writing essay samples that you want. Remember that this is a key aspect to succeeding in your writing career, and when you have it all at your fingertips, you will see just how well it can be a reality. When it comes to tutoring for the Praxis writing samples, you will always have that to rely on.Most students in any given class will be able to find what they are looking for within a Praxis class, whether it is a general course or a specialized course. You can search for those courses on the internet, but be prepared to be overwhelmed with a lot of information. You may even be able to make use of online tutors as a way to better study, as they can provide you with your assignments, tests, and the Praxis writing samples without having to leave your home.Once you have checked out all the tutors available, you will know that you can find the best ones for you. You can then sit down with your computer and set up a schedule to work on writing essays with your tutor. You can also make use of written assignments and tests for your Praxis writing samples, which will go a long way towards getting your essay subjects up to your own desired standards.Praxis tutors are able to give you writing assignments that will help you boost your writing skills, but also the strategies you will need to use for your test results. When you get to these, they will supply you with the test questions, which will help you to solve the difficulties you will find on the actual tests. While you are working through thes e, the tutors will provide you with the resources you need to master the lessons that you will be required to take.These tutors will always be able to give you exactly what you need to succeed in both your tests and your assignments, which are a very important piece of the whole process, especially for students who are eager to get their grades up. The quality of writing is not as important to the tutors as the fact that you understand what is going on and what you should be doing. This is why Praxis writing samples can be so important, because they can make life a lot easier for students, no matter what stage they are in.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Essays

Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Essays Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Paper Effect of Mung Bean Germination Due to Detergent Paper The Effects of Detergent Concentration On Mung bean Germination. At first read article about money and life here. Problem: What is the effect of 7th generation detergent on mung beans. How will the 7th generation detergent affect the mung beans. Background research: The detergent I used was the 7th generation only 5% on mung beans. Doing this research we used 10 mung beans but in the end only 9 grew and 1 didnâ„ ¢t grow. Focus On: 1. We are choosing liquid detergents because we wanted to see the outcome on it on the mung beans. 2. The ingredients in Seventh Generation Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent are: water, corn and coconut based surfactants, glycerin, non-animal-derived enzymes, natural water softener, borax (an alkalinity builder), sodium gluconate (an agent to wash away soils), salt (viscosity control agent), natural fragrance (citrus oil) and preservatives (less than 0.05%). 3. Seventh Generation liquids are biodegradable and nontoxic. Using a combination of plant derived surfactants and enzymes; the detergents clean clothes naturally and are safe for septic tanks and gray water system. While some Palmolive has some biodegradable cleaning ingredients , phosphate free, hypoallergenic and attacks grease. 4. Dependent variable: 1. The scientific name for mung beans is Vigna radiate. 2. Some advantages to mung beans in this experiment is the mixed chemicals between the to. Hypothesis If the amount of detergent increases then the number of Mung beans decreased. Materials Beaker Water Graduated Cylinder Container Tissue Mung beans Palomolive Procedure First we filled the water then mix the amount of detergent we had to use. Then get a container with mung beans. Then pour the mixed detergent and water on the mung beans. Then leave it for a few days. Mung beans we are choosing liquid detergents to determine the outcome of it. Seventh Generation detergent ingredients consists of water, corn and coconut based surfactant, glycerin, non-animal product, softener, borax, salt, etc. It is biodegradable and it is also nontoxic. This detergent cleans clothes and is considered safe for septic tanks and the water system. Some Palmolive has some biodegradable cleaning ingredients, phosphate free, hypoallergenic and attacks grease.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Is Dentistry the Field for You

Is Dentistry the Field for You The career experts at CareerIgniter have a round-up of everything you need to know! Firstly, what is it?  Dentistry is a medical subspecialty that encompasses oral health. Oral health consists of the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of decay and diseases of the oral cavity, and adjacent tissues and structures of the jaw and face.There are nine specialties within dentistry (median salaries in parentheses):General Dentistry ($149,310)Dental Public HealthEndodonticsOral and Maxillofacial PathologyOral and Maxillofacial Surgery ($187,200)Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics ($187,200)Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics)PeriodonticsProsthodontics ($169, 130)Dentists need to have an interest in oral health, excellent patient socialization skills, and a tolerance for the up-close-and-personal nature of exams and performing dental work. Other skills include:Good manual dexterityPhysical staminaKnowledgeable in fieldExcellent communication skillsProblem solving abilitiesPatience ReassuringDisciplined in using clinical approachGreat attention to detailConfidenceDentists work in multiple settings, but most join group practices or work with public health organizations. According to CareerIgniter, 92% of dentists work in private practice. It’s a robust, growing field because the need for dental health and preventative care will only grow with the aging Baby Boomer populations.How to become a dentistThe process takes from 7-8 years; expenses can range from $15K – $60K a year depending on the institution you select for the undergraduate and medical degrees.1. Complete a bachelor’s degree program 2. Pass the Dental Admission Test (DAT) 3. Earn a dental degree (Doctor of Dental Surgery, DDS, or Doctor of Dental Medicine, DDM) from an accredited organization. Studies during this time include laboratory and classroom work in health and dental science. Courses will most likely include oral pathology, periodontics, dental anesthesia, orthodontics, radiology, and pharmacology. The last two years of a program typically focus on clinical work, diagnosing and treating patients under the supervision of a dental instructor. 4. Obtain a license to practice (by passing National Board Dental Exams) 5. Practice or pursue a specialtySo if you like teeth, other human beings, and are passionate about preventative medical care- dentistry just might be the ideal career for you!How To Become A DentistRead More at www.careerigniter.com

Monday, February 17, 2020

HR Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR Management - Assignment Example According to Wilcox and Lowry it is the reframing and repositioning of HRM practices as the businesses strategic partner that makes employees the important economic resources (2006, pp. 50-64). There are two major views and perspectives when it comes to Human Resource Management. These are the instrumental or hard practices and the humanistic or soft practices. Instrumental practices focus on the quantitative and strategic approaches towards people management. In this case, it mainly provides a highlight of the economic value of human resources. It focuses on how these resources are important in maximizing the performance of the organization (Lee-Ross & Pryce 2010, p. 66). As such, they can be used to provide a firm’s competitive advantage. It is these HRM practices that can be aligned with the other activities in the business and strategies of the organization to promote some of the other additional practices such as restructuring, outsourcing and downsizing, which are considered to be strategic actions. The instrumental or hard HRM practices include labor legislations. On the other hand, the humanistic or soft HRM practices are those that include functions of orga nizational development, management of conflicts, and education of human resource, organizational culture, leadership development and components that contribute in building of relationships. They are more employee-centered and put into account the humanness within employees as it considers them to be proactive contributors to the firm (Harris, Wijesinghe & McKenzie 2010, p. 129). It makes more emphasis on the need for commitment, job satisfaction, motivation, trust and knowledge. In this sense, it helps in the enhancement of the level of employee engagement, development, participation and autonomy in addition to the participation in decision making activities and collaboration. Between these two kinds of HRM practices it is the humanistic

Monday, February 3, 2020

Understanding The Business Environment Term Paper

Understanding The Business Environment - Term Paper Example The capital comes from the treasury or the local rates. The public limited aim at providing services to the nation, and in case of profit generation, it has handed hack to the government or the local authority. The government appoints a minister to take responsibility. The minister then appoints a chairperson and the board of directors who respond to daily activities in running the industry. The chairperson and board of directors then give an annual report to the minister who presents it to the parliament for public debate. The information then published for public. The private limited companies are businesses owned by private people. The owners do control and management. They are the directors and managers. The private people raise capital, and their aim is to generate profit. The profit or losses made equally distributed according to the number of shares one own in the company. The voluntary group is an organization consisting of people who offer unpaid services to the organization . Its resources (cash, labor and services) obtained through voluntary means. The co-operatives form when a group works together to accomplish a common need. They are significant status in the tax law in most countries. The co-operatives assist members with their primary business e.g. selling of milk or other farm products. Type of organization Examples- Name of organization and why it exist What sector does this organization operate within Public limited company CDC – A centre for Disease Control ministry of Public health Private limited company Fly Emirates Transport industry Voluntary DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS AUXILLARY- facilitate medical treatment of veterans Medical industry Co-operatives BONGARDS’ CREAMERIES CO-OPERATIVE Milk processing industry US CDC; CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL CDC is a division of the public health systems and workforce development based in Atlanta, Georgia USA. Its strategy is to work with partners with the aim of strengthening public health systems and the public health workforce. It applies public health sciences and practices to demonstrate health impact. Vision, mission and goals Its vision is to enable countries worldwide have efficient and equitable public health systems to protect communities. It also visualizes the enablement of persons to live productive and healthy lives. It has a mission of working with Ministries of Health (MOH), and various health partners to strengthen public health systems. They collaborate to develop the workforce using innovative programs and science. The aim at building sustainable capacity maintaining strong public health systems and responding to the changing and increasing health challenges. They have a mission of coming together with public health partners to diversify global health problems, practices experiences and resources. (Allison, M & Kaye J 2001) Their main goal is to use system development programs to help the Ministry Of Health worldwide build strong, effective and sust ainable programs. The system development programs include; FETP, Field Epidemiology Training Programs, Field Epidemiology, Laboratory and Training Programs (FELTP), Global Public Health information program (GPHIP),Sustainable Management Development Program (SMDP) and the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR). They thus help the MOH to improve public health systems locally, regionally and nationally. The internal and external stakeholders of the CDC Stakeholders include persons or organizations invested in a program. They are interest in the results and evaluation of the program where their interests and requirements considered and budgeted for in the planning process. These

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Effects of Hair and Eye Color on Attraction

Effects of Hair and Eye Color on Attraction Cory Jones Abstract Mating preferences come in a wide variety. Many studies have been done focusing on the importance of physical attraction in partners. But little research has been done showing specific features important in mating. This research was conducted to see if lighter hair and eye color was found more attractive to men. 172 men and women participants took part in an online survey based on attractiveness. Each participant was asked to rate ten photographs based on physical attractiveness, sexual attractiveness, and how approachable they found each photo. Five photographs with light hair and eyes were used, along with the same five photographs manipulated to have dark hair and eyes. Results found that the women with lighter hair and eyes were found more attractive. Results also found that women reported pictures more attractive than men did. The Effects of Hair and Eye Color on Attraction We often wonder what attracts people to their potential mates. It has been established after decades of research that men and women differ in what characteristics they find important in a romantic partner. Both men and women have specified they want a mate who is understanding, kind, dependable, sociable, stable and intelligent (Botwin, Buss, Shackelford, 1997). But men and women do not always agree on the same desires for their potential partners. Men have a greater desire for romantic partners who are physically attractive. Women on the other hand have a higher desire for romantic partners who have a good earning potential (Eastwick Finkel, 2008). Numerous studies in psychological research have focused on the importance of physical attractiveness in heterosexual attraction but minimal research has been done on specific physical features preferences (Feinman Gill, 1978). Studies that have looked at physical attraction as a specific preference have found it to be an important trait in dating but also noticed it was usually recorded in broad terms like â€Å"good looking† and not specific features. Sexual selection has also been suggested as an important strength in human evolution. Sexual selection is believed to be significant in attractiveness standards for physical appearance (Hulse, 1967). In 2006, researchers Laeng, Mathisen, and Johnsen tested for assurance of paternity by using close up photographs of adult men and young women with either blue or brown eyes. The photographs were rated on attractiveness by young women and men observers also with blue and brown eyes. They manipulated the eye color in the photographs of each model so that the same face would be shown with either the natural eye color or the opposite eye color. The only preference found was that blue eyed men rated the blue eyed women more attractive that the brown eyed women. Another study they ran included both sexes with different eye colors. They were asked to report the hair and eye color of their romantic partners. Their responses indicated mating by eye and hair color. In these findings blue eyed men were the largest group with partners of the same eye color. The results suggest the occurrence of male adaptation of an extra-pair paternity based on eye color, as a phenotypically based assurance of paternity. This is when the father and child’s phenotypes match. It is also a defense against cuckoldry this is when the phenotypes do not match. In a study by Feinman and Gill (1978), they looked at the popular stereotype in American media and popular culture that proclaims there is a greater desirability of women with light eye color, light hair color, and fair complexion. There were 482 women and 549 men who participated in a questionnaire that indicated their preferences and dislikes for numerous somatic and physiognomic characteristics of the opposite sex. They had a choice to indicate more than one preference of particular characteristic or no preference. They were also asked to indicate specific dislikes for each characteristic, also allowing them to respond multiple or no dislikes. In their findings men indicated a slightly greater preference for lighter women coloration and women indicated a slightly greater preference for darker male coloration. Manipulating eye color is fairly simple compared to alternating skin tone or facial features. Therefore it is surprising that more research has not been conducted on eye color. One explanation for the lack of research is because people classify eye color as a static signal effective in the human interactive situation (Hickson, Powell Sandoz, 1987). Static signals are permanent features of the face like skin color, bone structure, and eye color. There have been a wide range of studies being completed on physical characteristics but a conflicting amount have been conducted on the characteristics of eye and hair color, this helped form this research idea. Men will be more attracted to a woman with lighter hair and eye color. Method Participants 172 participants took part voluntarily in an experiment on attractiveness. All participants were recruited by word of mouth, links posted on professional websites, and social media websites. Participants had to be over the age of 18 to participate in the study. All of the participant’s information was anonymous and cannot be linked back to them in anyway. There was no compensation given for participation. The participants were asked to give their ethnicity, hair color, and eye color. Out of the 107 female participants the majority were Caucasian. Their hair color was reported to be 28 light, 70 dark, and 9 in the other category. Their eye color was reported to be 52 with light, 54 dark, and 1 in the other category. Out of the 65 male participants the majority were Caucasian. Their hair was reported to be 15 light, 49 dark, and 3 in the other category. Their eyes were reported to be 39 with light and 28 dark. Confederates There were five blonde confederates used in this study. They were all 21 years of age. They were recruited by one of the researchers. They were given a media consent form stating that they were aware their pictures were going to be manipulated and used in surveys. They were asked to stand in front of a Crayola white poster board. The confederates wore the same Hanes white t-shirt. The researcher took a picture of them using an IPhone 4s camera. The confederates were all aware they would get no incentives for the use of their picture and were also notified they would not be able to take part in the surveys. The confederates’ hair and eye color were manipulated on the program Pixelmator. Confederates’ original photos were used in the surveys, along with a manipulated one which gave them all darker hair and eye color. Materials There were two surveys created for this study. The only difference between the surveys was the wording of the questions for each gender. Men were asked to rate how they viewed the photo but women were asked how they believed a man would rate the photo. The surveys consisted of an electronic informed consent, which each participant had to agree to before moving on. Both surveys consisted of ten pictures. Each picture had three questions asking the participants to rate the photo on physically attractive, sexually attractive, and approachableness. Two five point rating scales were used in the survey. The physically and sexually attractive questions were based on: not attractive, somewhat attractive, neutral, attractive, and very attractive. The approachable question used: not approachable, somewhat approachable, neutral, approachable, and very approachable. After rating the pictures the participants were asked their ethnicity, age, eye, and hair color. The survey ended with a debriefing form explaining the hypothesis and allowing them our contact information if they had any questions. Procedure After the survey was opened participants had to confirm they were over the age of 18. A consent form also had to be confirmed before allowing the participant to continue. The confederate pictures then appeared in random order to each participant. The same three questions and point scales appeared with each picture, depending on the gender selected. After participants completed the ratings they were asked their ethnicity, age, gender, hair, and eye color. They were then shown the debriefing form before exiting the study. Data was collected online through the website Qualtrics, where the survey was created. The data was then examined by the researchers. Results from any survey completed in less than one minute were deleted. Short response times were deleted because we did not believe the survey could have been completed in under a minute if the participants were actually giving thought to the questions. The results of participants that had taken the opposite gender’s survey were also removed. The researchers then analyzed the remaining data using SPSS statistical software. Results Our hypothesis was supported by our data. There was a main effect of gender and hair color qualified by an interaction between the two. There was a significant difference found between the score for light hair/eyes (M = 3.36, SD = .560) and dark hair/eyes (M = 3.47, SD = .596); t(192) = 4.69, p = .000. Also from using the paired samples t-test we found that our average was based on three specific confederate’s photos. The other two confederates’ pictures were rated similar with both the light and dark manipulation. Using a within subject design we found that surprisingly, females rated the confederates higher than the males did. This between effects of gender is shown in Figure 1. (talk about interaction factor 1* f/sig(F(1,170 ) = 4.42, p ) (add in f terms) Discussion We proposed that males would be more attracted to a female with lighter hair and eye color. The results from our data analyzes supported our prediction. Although, the means were not an enormous difference there is still one present. We were surprised to find that three out of the five confederates had a large influence on the results. The other two confederates had opposite findings and both were rated relatively close in both light and dark photographs. A reason for this may be that participants were judging on static signals instead hair and eye color. Another reason may be that the confederate’s hair did not look natural in the darker color; this may have caused them to rate the original blonde photo higher. Similar research from Feinman et al. 1978 also found that males had a greater preference for lighter female coloration. In a study done by Hickson et al. 1987 they also manipulated photograph’s eye color. They found men rated the confederate as being more physically attractive. We initially thought that men would rate confederates higher as well. Specifically, we surmised that men would find women with lighter hair more attractive than women with darker hair. We only used photographs of blondes and brunettes. In future studies it may be interesting to see use of red and black hair incorporated into the survey. Also, we only used pictures of females. There may be a different outcome if females would have looked at male’s photographs, versus judging how they think a male will view the picture. If future studies had a larger sample size the research may be able to find an effect of participants’ eye color changing their views on confederates. Also, asking participants to record their partner’s hair and eye color if they are in a relationship could also be interesting. Future research needs to be done on what attracts people to their potential mates Limitations We were not able to use brown haired confederates because of issues editing the darker hair. The confederate’s different facial features and smiles could have had an effect on the ratings of the photos. Also, the hair lengths and styles were all different, which could have also changed the way they rated the photographs. Because only one researcher collected photographs only five confederate photos were used. The more photographs used could have made it so participants were not noticing they were seeing the same person. Only having a few confederates also may have created a problem because all confederates were age 21, and we had a wide age range of participants in the study. The small sample size is a huge limitation of this research. References Botwin, M., Buss, D. M., Shackelford, T. K. (1997). Personality and mate preferences: Five  factors in mate selection and marital satisfaction. Journal of Personality, 65, 107-136. Eastwick, P. W., Finkel, E. J. (2008). Sex difference in mate preferences revisited: Do people  know what they initially desire in a romantic partner? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94(2), 245-264. Feinman, S., Gill, G. W. (1978). Sex differences in physical attractiveness preferences. The  Journal of Social Psychology,105, 43-52. Hickson, M., Powell, L., Sandoz, M. L. (1987). The effects of eye color on homophily,  attraction, and credibility. Communication Research Reports, 4(2), 20-23. Hulse, F. S. (1967). Selection for skin color among the Japanese. American Journal of Physical  Anthropology, 27(2), 143-156. Laeng, B., Mathisen, R., Johnsen, J. (2006). Why do blue-eyed men prefer women with the  same eye color? Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology, 61(3), 371-384. Figure 1

Friday, January 17, 2020

A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat Essay

Eating disorders are a world-wide problem. There are many types of eating disorders. There are programs out there to help people with eating disorders. With so many types we must understand the differences by looking at each type, how it affects teenagers, and what influence the media has on this issue. Eating disorders come in many different types. One of these is anorexia. Anorexia is a serious disease which causes a severe lack of eating. The proper name is anorexia nervosa.Anorexia nervosa causes people to lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. Persons with this disorder may have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. They may diet or exercise too much or use other ways to lose weight. Their self-esteem is usually overly related to body image. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001401/) Anorexia nervosa has many warning signs that can tell someone if they have a problem. Someone may refuse to eat certain foods/food categories and deny their hunger all together. A person may develop â€Å"food rituals† in which they arrange foods in a certain way, excessively chew, eat in a certain order, etc†¦ One may withdraw themselves from their friends, family, or society. They may frequently make a comment about being â€Å"fat† or â€Å"overweight† despite their weight loss. (http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/anorexia-nervosa) Another type of eating disorder is bulimia nervosa. Bulimia is an illness in which a person binges on food or has regular episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control. The person then uses different methods — such as vomiting or abusing laxatives — to prevent weight gain. Many (but not all) people with bulimia also have anorexia nervosa. The purging of food usually  brings a sense of relief. ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001381/) One form of an eating disorder is binge eating. Binge eating is an eating disorder in which a person eats a much larger amount of food in a shorter period of time than he or she normally would. During binge eating, the person also feels a loss of control. Some causes of binge eating include genes, such as having close relatives who also have an eating disorder. Depression or other emotions, such as feeling upset or stressed. Unhealthy dieting, such as not eating enough nutritious food or skipping meals. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003749/) Some symptoms of binge eating are, eating large amounts of food in a short period, for example, every 2 hours. A person is not able to control overeating, for example is unable to stop eating or control the amount of food. A person may keep eating even when full (gorging) or until uncomfortably full. Sometimes a person feels guilty, disgusted, ashamed, or depressed after eating so much. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003749/) Some treatment can be done for people with a binge eating problem. The goals are to lessen and then be able to stop the bingeing incidents. Be able to get to and stay at a healthy weight. Get treated for any emotional problems, including overcoming feelings and managing situations that trigger binge eating. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003749/)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Understanding the Japanese Word Kao

Kao is a  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Japanese word that means a face, features, a look, and expression. The Japanese characters for the Kao are:  Ã© ¡â€ (㠁‹ã Å ) . Example Kare wa hito no yosasouna kao o shiteiru.Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã£  ¯Ã¤ º ºÃ£  ®Ã£â€šË†Ã£ â€¢Ã£  Ã£ â€ Ã£  ªÃ© ¡â€Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£â‚¬â€š Translation: He has a good-natured face.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Strategies and Patterns for Entering into Markets Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The emerging markets offer opportunities, and various other factors emphasize the market-based advantages and shift to focus on intra-transfer of organization employees, skills, technology, direct investment, and resources. The emerging markets are considered economic powerhouses with a large amount of population, large markets, and resource bases. The economic success of countries helps in spurring growth for the neighboring countries. The success of the emerging markets helps in the creation of sustainable development and also leads to sustainable growth opportunities (Santamar a and Ni, 2008). The emerging markets have changed their way of expansion from the traditional methods of entering into the markets to innovative methods. The multinational corporation has sought innovative capabilities of entering into the markets, such as entering into a wide number of markets and not restricting itself to a limited market area. Penetration into developed national economies would require the breaking of traditional patterns and assistance from the manager (Shirani, 2009). Pervasiveness is important for the multinational corporation, which requires breaking of traditional barriers and marketing activities. The resource-based view forms an important part because it helps in utilizing greater assets to increase the organizational outcome. The enraging markets in these cases would provide better investment opportunities in fixed, equity or currency spaces. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategies and Patterns for Entering into Markets or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page