Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ode to a Package of Dial Soap

Ode to a Package of Dial Soap It was my freshman year, not long ago When I arrived at MIT, complete (it has been near three years, how fast time flows!) With happiness and excitement replete Looking back now, though it hasnt been long Its a marvel to see how much Ive grown In brainpower and stamina for sleepless nights Time kept a rhythm, while we scraped along Now we start to peer far, to time unknown To post-MIT start setting our sights I do digress, you must pardon me see I came here to talk not of life and dreams But of soap, and its importance to me Theres much more to soap than it really seems So theres a store called Target where they sell All kinds of things Scrabble, hula hoops, skirts, Brita water filters, Christmas bells Dial antibacterial soap, and shirts Like all froshies, I went dorm shopping there And when I was about to buy soap, I Reached for the three-bar package of Dial Gold My mother said, with the old Asian flair, Dont buy that one! There is no reason why. Here, take this, fourteen-bar pack of Dial Gold. So due to my mothers frugality, I bought a huge package of Dial Gold soap It fully upheld my vitality As I hiked up the Tutes dangerous slope Though psets, quizzes, exams, lab reports Sleepless nights, exhaustion-induced collapse Heartbreaks, triumph, giddiness and much more In all time here, Dial has not come up short Day by day bar by bar it slowly maps My journey here, and my stories galore And then Just yesterday, I opened the last bar The last bar The last bar of Dial Antibacterial Gold O! Faithful foamy friend, fallen art thou In all these frigid Bostonian nights Your familiar yellow visage, golden Keeps my balance yin and yang, tang and tao Driving me to higher heights, farther sights To bars of Dial Gold I am beholden Some say it is shocking, that fourteen-bars Of soap can last me for five semesters But I say, thats the magic of them bars Just $4.50 ninety cents per semester! So if I gave a farewell speech at grad I will thank my mom, for saving money Target, for stocking what your heart desires And, Dial Gold those bars that kept me so glad Which reminds me, to save more money Gotta get Dial Gold as my heart requires. After all, as any student should show Cleanliness is soap, soap cleanliness, that is all Ye know at college, and all ye need to know. * Pursuant to legal mumbo jumbo, I am not employed by Dial, in case you are curious ;) (as if they need advertisers for soap :P) Since this blog isnt going to be substantial, heres a really cool introduction to the city that I lived in for 15 years Kaohsiung, Taiwan before going to high school to a more northern part of the island. Should be something that will be quite interesting for most of you :D (and Ill be back home in 2 weeks! :D) Hopefully my life will be perfect, all because I came to Kaohsiung!

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