Tuesday, October 8, 2019

International Business Strategy Case Study Essay

International Business Strategy Case Study - Essay Example The later developments in the project suggested that the Shell has not been able to maintain the same level of control in the project. The overall bargaining power of Shell continuously declined owing to different factors despite the fact that it has been able to secure the relative favor from the government in the initial phase of the project. What is also important to understand that the negotiation process does not involved all the stakeholders in the project and resultant the take off of the project fell victim of the pressure to the various stakeholders involved in the project? According to the analysts, the deal has been in favor of both the parties owing to the fact that both the parties were better off during the negotiation process. One of the essential elements of good negotiation process is to ensure that a win win situation emerges for every player involved in the negotiation process. In these negotiations, both the parties to the negotiation were given the share in the p roject in such a manner that both the parties were better off at the end of negotiation. ... This was only the direct result of not involving all the stakeholders during the negotiation process. The overall shift in the bargaining power from Shell to Russian government therefore was owing to the fact that all the stakeholders were not adequately involved in the process thus resulting into a shift towards the greater bargaining power for the Russian government. This shift was also a result of the Russian policy of gaining direct control of the oil and gas exploration facilities while at the same time allowing foreign firms to actively involved in the exploration services while remaining under the direct control or supervision of State owned organizations such as Gazprom. Assessment of the group processes During the completion of the assignment and attending of different sessions, it became clear for me that the case study approach can provide students an opportunity to actually look into the real life examples and learn from them. The range of different case studies therefore provided a set of interesting case studies which held the overall interest and allowed me to learn the practical side of managing different aspects of an organization. What also went good were the composition of the class and the diversity of the students in the class. People of different background and experiences therefore allowed to put case studies in different perspectives and understand and explored different dynamics of the case studies. It is also important to note that the split of the tasks also allowed us to save time while at the same time gather more information about Russia and its oil and gas sector. This also allowed us to discuss with the students having specialized knowledge about oil and gas sector in order to broaden our overall scope of

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